Finding work as a first-time freelance writer

Published on by Michael Radon

For those who may be bored with their job, or are looking for a great way to make some money while staying at home raising kids or traveling the world, freelance writing can be a fantastic opportunity. Many people however don't even know where to begin when it comes to finding freelance work. Due to the Internet and a lot of companies in need, becoming a freelance writer has never been easier.

As it turns out, there are lots of people looking for somebody with a knack for writing, and as long as you are dedicated to the job, you won't go looking for long!

Aggregate sites like Elance and help collect jobs into an easy to find location from various job posting boards and sites like Craigslist. Between these two sites alone, you can find probably around 100 jobs a day looking to hire writers quickly!

Based on your education and experience, your mileage may vary. However, even somebody with no university background or relevant experience can find work - as long as they are willing to submit test samples. The great thing about these sites is that there is every kind of imaginable writing job to be offered. From press releases and advertisement copy to screenwriting and translation, as long as you are both patient and diligent, you can find the ideal client to work for.

The most important thing is to keep trying with multiple applications. You never know what opportunities will come up and which ones will say no until you try. If you hear back from more people than you expected, don't sweat it! At this point, you have the luxury of picking the work you want to do the most, or taking your offers from the highest bidder.

Most of all, writing for a living should be something which comes naturally and without too much hair-pulling. Don't overwhelm yourself by taking on too much and not cycling out old clients who may not pay as much or don't offer as steady a flow of assignments. Just be sure to communicate your restrictions professionally, and most people will be understanding and willing to work with you in the future.

Not everybody can make a living as a writer. However, if you feel it as your calling, there's nothing stopping you from finding work and making a career out of it!

Have desk, will write

Published on Job hunting

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